GLASURIT A-P-50 Pro Activator Wipes Metal Paint Preparation x 25 Pack of Wipes
*Please Note: This product has replaced the 360-100 wipes*
Glasurit PRO Active Wipes are intended for use on cleaned bare metal surfaces such as steel, galvanized steel and aluminum. Eco effectiveness wipes - highest surface quality. Wipes increase the corrosion resistance and the adhesion of the paint system, due to their chemical reaction with metal surfaces.
Recoatable with all AraClass undercoat materials, except polyester body filler or waterborne filler. Do not overcoat directly with basecoat or topcoat.
Evenly wet the entire bare metal surface with wipes. Wipe with overlapping single cross coats. The surface must stay moist for at least 1 minute. This is imperative for the chemical reaction to complete and form a passivation layer. Spreading rate: per cloth max. 3 m²